Uradni list: 14/2009, 23/2009, 48/2009, 113/2009, 25/2010, 67/2010, 105/2010, 45/2012, 24/2013, 51/2013, 12/2014, 24/2014, 52/2014, 59/2014, 24/2015, 3/2016, 70/2016, 14/2017, 68/2017, 6/2019, 51/2019, 59/2019, 78/2019, 157/2020, 191/2020, 13/2021, 101/2021, 122/2021, 145/2021, 194/2021, 15/2022, 99/2022, 117/2022, 151/2022, 127/2023, 22/2024, 44/2024
Naslov angleškega prevoda: Rules on the methodology for the transfer and analysis of the salaries data in the public sector